3rd grade (can be adjusted to 3rd-8th grade)
The visit provides an opportunity for the students to reflect on ways of depicting the Danish landscape and discuss differences between then and now, views of nature, and natural values.

A museum communicator tours the beautiful villa and workshop and tells about Johannes Larsen’s and Fritz Syberg’s world of motifs and nature based on the area around Kerteminde. If the weather is right, part of the story can also take place in the garden.

The visit is finished with a visit to the School Workshop, where students work practically with some of the materials, techniques, and motifs they have just experienced.

About My East Funen

My East Funen is a collaboration between museums, municipalities, and schools on East Funen, with the goal of giving all children and young people from East Funen, throughout their school time, a good knowledge of East Funen’s exciting cultural heritage. The courses can also be used by schools from other parts of the country.

The practicalities

Place: Johannes Larsen Museum, Møllebakken 14, Kerteminde

Duration: 2 hours

Target audience: 3rd grade (can be adapted to 3rd-8th grade)

Subjects: Visual arts, Danish, History, and Nature/Technology

Price: Free for educations in Kerteminde and Nyborg Municipality. DKK 1,100 for other schools/institutions

Contact: Communication inspector Gudrun Katrine Heltoft on tel. 51 29 87 40 or email: [email protected]

Here you can download teaching material:

Teacher’s guide and assignments
teacher material
student material
proposals for interdisciplinary teaching courses with Danish, nature and technology and history

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