and the Funen Painters

Johannes Larsen Museum
June 18 – September 24

Faaborg Museum
June 18 – December 10




“et godt eksempel på, hvordan man kan gøre kunst mere forståeligt for ikke bare en lukket kreds af kunstkendere”.
Jens Rolighed, Kunstavisen

”Inspirerende udstilling”
@hanneraunsmed, Instagram

”Meget smuk udstilling. Meget spændende omkring farvespillet”

”Skøn dag, berigende og dygtig særudstilling”



Two Exhibitions – Two Museums – One Shared Passion for Colours

The Funen Painters literally thought in colours and were deeply preoccupied by the colour and light of the day, the experience of the special presence that had to be passed on in paintings. Equally important were the significant colours of the home with walls in strong shades of blue, yellow, green and red.

The art of the Funen Painters is created to enter into a colourful dialogue with the historical surroundings. Here in Kerteminde it is the home of the artists Alhed and Johannes Larsen, in Faaborg it is the building of the museum that can be experienced with the colours of the Funen Painters.

Exhibition of the Funen Painters’ Universe of Colours

With ‘The Art of Colours and the Funen Painters’ – Faaborg Museum and Johannes Larsen Museum joined with a united goal: to shed new light on well known, as well as less known artworks across the museums’ collections based on the colour and illuminating the painters’ palette.

You migth see artwork of the artist couples Alhed and Johannes Larsen, Anna and Fritz Syberg, as well as Peter Hansen, Jens Birkholm, Christine Swane and a number of other painters associated with the artist group. The main museums of the Funen Painters in Faaborg and Kerteminde use the project’s exchange of artworks for two art historical surveys and pleasure walks. The colours of these artists haven’t got any special attention before and the exhibitions invite to an entry to their art, that is unpretentious, intuitive and full of perspectives, based on the unique understanding of colours and pictorial effects, that perform in their artworks.

The Funen Painter’s artworks are structured in categories of colours as blue, blue-ocher, yellow-golden, red, green, white, complementary and overcast weather. The exhibition shows oil paintings, a few pastels and a room with watercolours. In addition there is the artist’s home and examples of its colouring as well as Johannes Larsen’s frescoes. Visitors go on a discovery in the exhibition or contribute with thoughts and questions about coIours. Perhaps this exhibition let the artwork and the colouring inspire to a new colour play at home?

Fritz Syberg: Blomstrende fingerbøl og pige (Rabbe). 1921.Olie på lærred. 75 x 99 cm. Johannes Larsen Museet. Foto: Ole Friis.




Udstillingskatalog om fynbomalernes farver, fynske kunstneres historie, værker og motivverden

Udstillingen ledsages af en fælles publikation, der giver gæster både informativ og kreativ indføring i fynbomalernes farver, lys og udtryksformer. Rundvisninger og sommerværksteder på Johannes Larsen Museet vil give gæsterne mulighed for at fordybe sig i farvelæren eller prøve kræfter med farvens udtrykskraft i forskellige sammenhænge. Der er således lagt op til en levende og kreativ tilgang, der samtidig har til hensigt at inspirere og aktivere gæster i forskellige aldre og målgrupper til at få mere udbytte af mødet med de fynske kunstneres historie, værker og motivverden.

De to museer retter en varm tak til projektets mange samarbejdspartnere, herunder især de støttende fonde, publikationens forfattere og de hjælpsomme frivillige på begge museer.


We are very grateful of the generous donations of the Foundations and supporting partners, that made this unique exhibition possible. Without their valuable support, it would’nt have been possible to present the colourful universe of the Funen Painters. We are very thankful to their commitment and contribution, which has enriched the exhibition and made it possible to share the artistic heritage of the Funen Painters to the public.


Albani Foundation

Augustinus Foundation


The Fabersk Fondation

Engineer N.M. Knudsens Foundation

Knud Højgaards Foundation

Consul Georg Jorck and wife Emma Jorck’s Foundation


Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Foundation


Exhibition design: Anne Schnettler

Graphic organization: Jakob Helmer

sommerudstiling Alhed Larsen 2022 arkiv


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