Based on the artist couple Johannes and Alhed Larsen, this course presents important artistic expressions and concepts in the period 1870-1930 and put them into perspective with societal trends of the time.

Students are introduced to various value shifts within culture, including the Modern Breakthrough, Vitalism, and Expressionism as well as the artistic forms of expression and isms that characterize the period 1870-1930, including Naturalism, Realism, Impressionism and Expressionism. The course gives students a knowledge of Johannes Larsen and his wife Alhed Larsen’s artistic production, their way of life, home, and work.

The course is structured as dialogue-based teaching with a focus on art historical expressions and concepts as well as reflections on the relationship between art and society. If you have special wishes and needs in relation to, for example, the content of the course, this can be arranged.

The practicalities

Place: The Johannes Larsen Museum, Møllebakken 14, Kerteminde
Duration: 1 hour
Target audience: 8th, 9th, and 10th grade as well as youth education and VUC

Subjects: Danish and visual arts
Price: DKK 550 or FREE if school classes and kindergarten groups are from Kerteminde or Nyborg Municipalities.

School classes and kindergarten groups always have free admission to the museum.

Contact: Gudrun Katrine Heltoft tlf. 51 29 87 40 or mail: [email protected]

The course’s compliance with the shared educational goals



  • The course strengthens the student’s ability to read a picture and extract relevant information.
  • The course gives the student insight into basic methods within image analysis and interpretation.
  • The course gives the student the opportunity to use art historical technical terms in analysis and interpretation of artistic imagery
  • The course gives the student insight into the context to which an image belongs – the intention behind the work on a subjective level (what the artist wanted to communicate) and on a broader level (what was this style an expression of in a given societal context).


  • The course’s teaching method is dialogue-based, which is why the students are very actively involved in the teachings.
  • The course gives the student insight into various art historical subject terms such as artistic concepts, art historical periods, instruments, and expressions from the period 1870-1930.


  • The student can participate reflectively in communication in complex formal and social situations
  • The course focuses among other things on the most important characteristics within image analysis and interpretation by specifically saying: you must be aware of this here.
sommerudstiling Alhed Larsen 2022 arkiv


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