Participate in a drawing class at the Johannes Larsen Museum. Draw with inspiration from works of the collection or special exhibitions or with Johannes Larsen’s woodcuts or his children’s drawings of birds as role models. We also have stuffed birds and other things that can be used as models.

The children receive instructions and help along the way. We always end with a five-minute exhibition, where the museum communicator says something about the result.

Can be combined with a guided tour of the museum.

The practicalities

Place: Johannes Larsen Museum, Møllebakken 14, Kerteminde
Duration: 1 hour
Target audience: Grade 0-4

Subject: Visual Arts
Price: DKK 550 or FREE if school classes or kindergarten groups are from Kerteminde or Nyborg Municipalities.

School classes and kindergarten groups always have free entry to the museum.

Contact: Gudrun Katrine Heltoft on tel. 51 29 87 40 or mail: [email protected]

sommerudstiling Alhed Larsen 2022 arkiv


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