November 11 to January 6, 2023
Starting on Nov. 11, we invite you indoors to see decorated holiday tables at the Johannes Larsen Museum.
We are familiar with the hospitality and coziness in the artists’ home in Johannes’ and Alhed’s day. Now, in 2022, we invite guest exhibitors, painter Thomas Kluge and ceramicist Kirsten Holm, to decorate holiday tables in “Samlingen” (The Collection building), along with museum host Lis Engelbreth and former museum host, Charlotte Jensen. We repeat the success from previous years and show the varied table settings with all manner of different materials and expressions. As a bonus, this year the table is also set in the dining room in Alhed and Johannes Larsen’s villa. Come and sense the atmosphere and let Christmas magic surround you. Maybe you’ll be inspired to create your own holiday table setting…
The tables can be seen from November 11 until January 6, 2023.
The exhibition will open on November 11 at 3 PM. There will be refreshments and “hygge”.