Bird 2022

October 1 to December 30

Exhibition opening September 30, 2022

Lovely, naughty, funny, and gloomy. Bird art in 2022 can be everything. With birds of all possible shapes, Bird 2022 takes the pulse of Danish bird art in 2022.

Bird art is both versatile and surprising. In November 2021, Johannes Larsen issued a “bird call”. An invitation for artists to submit works for the exhibition Bird 2022. The museum received 1,349 works from a total of 460 artists. Of these, a jury has selected 69 artists who will be represented at the exhibition, each with their own bid on what bird art in 2022 will look like. The list of works includes watercolor, bronze, photography, graphics, installation, ceramics, painting, paper art, sculpture, drawing, and textile art. Bird art in 2022 has a lot to offer.

Birds in focus

The bird has always been a focal point on Møllebakken in Kerteminde. When the painter Johannes Larsen moved here in 1901, he brought his great interest in birds with him. At Møllebakken, he and Alhed Larsen made sure there was room for the birds: nest boxes on the gable, dovecotes, large trees, several ponds, chicken houses, and aviaries. Møllebakken became a place for birds – and the birds are also richly represented in Johannes Larsen’s diaries, paintings, watercolors, drawings, and woodcuts. It is no mystery that Johannes Larsen is known as the “bird painter”.

Even today, the bird has a central place on Møllebakken. Not just in the museum’s large garden, but also in the exhibition program. Bird 2022 is thus part of the museum’s triennial for bird art.

Jury behind selection

To evaluate and select works for the exhibition, the Johannes Larsen Museum has set up a jury with representatives from both ornithology and the art world.

The jury includes:

  • Maja Lisa Engelhardt, artist
  • Vicky Knudsen, ornithologist and nature communicator
  • Tom Jørgensen, art critic
  • Martin Iversen, chairman of the Bird Protection Foundation
  • Jeppe Priess Gersbøll, art historian and director of the museum

Participating artists

At Bird 2022 we show works by the following artists:

Aja Marie Spurv Skyum, Andrea Lindeneg, Anne Esther Hansen, Anne Mette Daa Natorp, Anneline Schjødt Pedersen, Benny E. Uhlmann, Bjarne Golles, Bjarne Riis Nygaard, Brit Lind, Britta Westhausen, Dorthe Dencker, Dorthe Kudsk Harbo, Elna Christiansen, Erik Boye, Finn Rudbeck-Larsen, Hanne Skjold Knudsen, Hans-Henrik Wienberg, Hartmut Stockter, Helle Baslund, Helle Bjørnebo Neidhardt, Helle Gerd Petersen, Helle Rask Crawford, Ida Bang Augsburg, Ida Holm Mortensen, Inga Vestergaard Sørensen, Jan Nielsen, Jens Frimer Andersen, Jens Gregersen, Jens Overgaard Christensen, Josva Kleist, Kai Glad, Karen Madsen, Kate Skjerning, Katja Herrik, Katrine Brandt, Kent Nørby Andersen, Lars Abrahamsen, Lars Schrøder Hansen, Lars Skovfoged, Lars Waldemar, Lene Jelling Holm, Lene Vidding, Lis Kjærgaard, Lisbeth Thingholm, Lise Tang, Lone Boe Nielsen, Louise Bech Pedersen, Majken Bilgrav, Marco Brodde, Mette Rishøj, Mia Zebitz Larsen, Michael Abel, Niels Erik Skovballe, Nikolaj Callesen, Ole Kragh-Sørensen, Ole Runge, Pauline Dagmar Christensen, Pernille Behrend, Pia Möller-Light, Pia Vestergaard Ahrenst, Roos Holleman, Simon Bang, Staffan Strand, Steffan Herrik, Tatiana Nanova, Torben Klostergaard, Tune Andersen, Vidar Håkon Utvik and Violise Lunn.

All works at the exhibition have one or more birds as part of the motif and were created in the period 2019-2022.


As part of the exhibition, the museum publishes a catalog where all artists in the exhibition will be represented with an artwork. In the catalog you will also be able to find contact information of the artists.

Presentation and activities

While the exhibition is on display, the Johannes Larsen Museum arranges a number of guided tours, excursions, and events focusing on the bird and art. Keep an eye on the museum’s website.

Better BirdLIFE

The Johannes Larsen Museum collaborates with the nature project Better BirdLIFE that works on optimizing the conditions for a number of coastal birds.

Photo: Jan Nielsen: Goose in backlight. 2019. The work has been selected for Bird 2022.

sommerudstiling Alhed Larsen 2022 arkiv


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