Art of Colours and the Funen Painters – Summer Holidays at the Johannes Larsen Museum

Come visit the Johannes Larsen Museum during the summer holidays and paint the world in the Funen Painters vivid colours.

Welcome to the Johannes Larsen Museum, where you can experience the unique colours of the Funen Painters during your summer holidays. During the summer holidays from June 27th to August 10th you can, together with one of the museum’s skilled guides, participate in our exciting activity and explore the magic of oil painting.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 11 am and 2 pm you can immerse yourself in art and paint with oil painting. You find our activity tend in the museum’s enchanting garden, where we together will catch the light, the landscape, the atmosphere and the beautiful flowers and animals. We work with colours that remind of those the Funen Painters used, right from the bright yellow to the sparkling ultramarine blue and the deep mysterious caput mortuum.  

We won’t just paint, but also dive into the colours of the Funen Painters in order to describe the world and the nature, that surrounded them. You will learn about their techniques and explore how the colours were used to depict their experiences and surroundings.


Where: The museum’s garden
When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – 11 am to 2 pm
(ATTENTION: Come no later than 1 pm)
from June 27 to August 10

June 27-29 and July 4-6: ”Paint with your granny” in the garden or the tent. Oil painting for everybody, but especially for kids and their grandparents.

July 11 to August 10 – ”Colour Play – The Palette of the Funen Painters”. Oil painting for everybody.

Free, when entrance is paid.
Free entrance for children and youngsters under the age of 18.

Romm for 15 participants in the tent. reservation
No registration or reservation – participation takes place after the first come, first served principle.

This year’s summer exhibition: Art of Colours and the Funen Painters

Summer exhibition 2023 The Funen Painters

Special exhibition: Art of Colours and the Funen Painters

June 17 to September 24

This summer,  Faaborg Museum and the Johannes Larsen Museum each concurrently present a big special exhibition focused on the colours of the Funen Painters.

Where: The Johannes Larsen Museum
When: Monday to Sunday 10 am to 5 pm

Free Guided Tours during Summer Holidays

Guided tour in the special exhibition

Guided tour: Art of Colours and the Funen Painters

Onsdage – lørdage- søndage

Kom med én af vores guider og hør mere om den aktuelle særudstilling FARVESPIL. Fynbomalernes palet

Mødested: Vingen
Tid: kl. 14.00



Guided Tour with Ane Talbot

Hver mandag og fredag mellem 3. og 21. juli

Vi ser frem til at byde dig velkommen til en inspirerende og informativ rundvisning i Ane Talbots selskab, hvor du kan udforske kunstnerhjemmet og dets omgivelser på Møllebakken.

Mødested: Vinhuset i haven
Tid: M
andag og fredag (3.-21.7.) kl. 11.00

Børnerundvisning JLM 2023

Tour: Art of Colours for kids

Tag hele familien med på rundvisning i sommerens særudstilling, Farvespil. Fynbomalernes palet. På denne rundvisning skal vi sanse, snakke og undersøge farvernes uendelige univers!

Tirsdage og torsdage kl. 11.30 i ugerne 29, 30 og 31.

Mødested: Vinhuset i haven
Tid: Tirsdage og torsdage kl. 11.30 i uge 29, 30 og 31.  


The Garden

Tour: The Garden's history

On Saturdays from June 3 to August 26

Come on tour with one of our guides and learn more about the garden at Johannes Larsen Museum. 

The walk in the garden is a narration about the place, its spirit and how the facilities developed from the beginning to the museum, as it is today.

Meeting point: Winehouse in the garden
When: Saturdays until August 26 at 11 am

The Garden

Tours in the exhibition Lars Rastrup. The unknown painter and photographer from Munkebo

Wednesdays from 6|26 to 9|9 at 11 am

Every Wednesday you can join a guided tour about Lars Rastrup. The unknown painter and photographer from Munkebo.

Meeting point: Winehouse in the garden
When: Wednesdays until 9.9. at 11 am
Duratioan: approx. 30 min.


Tours at johannes larsen museet publikum

Tour in the Villa and the Studios

Sundays at 11 am

Join one of our guides in the Larsen family’s villa and studio every Sunday at 11 am. 

Meeting point: Winehouse in the garden
When: Sundays at 11 am


An atmospheric café in Kerteminde

The Coffee House is an integral part of the museum experience. The museum’s visitors are not just visitors, they are guests in an artist’s home.

At The Coffee House, we want to give our guests a sensory experience based on the place and its tradition. It is the notion of the good – but also simple – life in harmony with nature and with the seasonal ingredients, including herbs from the museum’s kitchen garden, as well as baked goods.

sommerudstiling Alhed Larsen 2022 arkiv


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